Friendship Club will have their monthly luncheon on Friday, March 6. Special entertainment will be provided by a group of visiting musicians called Send in the Music. They will play hymns and classical compositions on their dulcimers and other interesting instruments. It is sure to be a unique and enjoyable concert. Lunch is served at 11:30 AM, with the program following about 12:15 PM. Please make a reservation (407-647-1467) if you plan to have lunch with us. Meatloaf and the fixings are on the menu. The cost is still just $5, and we encourage you to bring canned meats/fish as a donation to the food bank. Transportation from Westminster Towers and the Mayflower can be provided, but you must reserve that at the same time that you make your lunch reservation. Please call the church office by noon on Wednesday, March 4 to reserve your place at the table.