In response to the significant danger the Coronavirus presents to our church members and community, the session has taken some necessary actions regarding our worship services for this Sunday, March 15.
1. The 8:15 AM service has been cancelled. This service is held in the chapel which is a small confined area in which people sit in close proximity to one another. With the singing of hymns, and even normal speech, someone who is unaware they are carrying the virus could infect many others.
2. The 10:30 AM service will be held this week but with the following changes intended to minimize the possibility of spreading the virus:
- The coffee hour that normally follows both services will not be held.
- Everyone will be asked to maintain “social distance” from others and to spread out within the sanctuary.
- The choir will not sing since they must sit and stand close together while singing which would provide a high risk for contagion if one of them happens to be carrying the virus.
- Instead of passing plates for the offering, they will be available in the back of the sanctuary to receive your gifts as you enter or leave.
- The session will continue to monitor this policy on a weekly basis to see if changes or further action is necessary until we can return to a normal schedule.We hope that all our members and friends will understand and support the necessity of these actions. We have a congregation with many people who are particularly vulnerable to this virus. In addition, many live in senior facilities where a spreading infection could have devastating results. As Christians we have a responsibility to do all we can to mitigate the danger to those among us who are most at risk.
Finally, let me point out the obvious. If you are not feeling well in any way please do not come to church this week. If you are among those who are at high risk, over 60, or have underlying health issues, think twice about whether or not you should be in worship. This will pass. Let us be united and committed to each other; and let us do what we need to do until it does.
God bless you all!
Adult Sunday School classes will still meet.
Children’s and Youth Sunday School Classes, as well as Confirmation Class and Youth Group, have been canceled this Sunday for Spring Break.