Thursday, November 21 ● 11:30am
November has arrived and with it comes the joy of being thankful for Friends and Neighbors who will gather for the monthly luncheon. During this time together we will share the many blessings for which we are thankful. We have a special program. Heather Case, founder and CEO of One Purse will give a presentation. One Purse is an organization that provides care for vulnerable women and victims of human trafficking. Come and join us as we learn about this vital program. This program will enlighten us on more opportunities to serve our community.
We will gather and greet each other at 11:30am in Fellowship Hall followed by a delicious meal prepared by Chef Scott. As a special touch, our own Preschool children will provide the table decorations. The cost of lunch is $15. You may bring your own lunch if you choose or just join us for the program which will begin at 12:30pm.
Please come and celebrate the joy of giving thanks for the fellowship that Neighbors and Friends provides.
Please make your reservation by Monday, November 18th by calling the WPPC office at 407-647-1467, or put your name on the list located in the front office hallway.
If you would like, bring canned meat as a donation for the food panty
The N&F ministry is a part of the Community Life Outreach Committee. Our primary purpose is to provide social opportunities for fellowship that encourage and promote Christ centered interactions. The Fall and Winter schedule is coming together, and wonderful programs are being planned. Come and be a part of this growing and exciting ministry and do remember to bring a neighbor or friend!