Thursday, March 20 ● 11:30am
Come and join us on Thursday, March 20 to celebrate our partnership and mission outreach with our Cuban brothers and sisters. John Gerhig will present the program from his recent trip to Central Cuba. This trip continues the tradition of showing solidarity with our Cuban friends. Many of you may have contributed medical or craft supplies for this trip, so come and learn about the mission outreach. John and Matt Straub are joining members of the Central Florida Presbytery for this trip.
We will meet in Fellowship Hall at 11:30 for a catered meal. The cost is 15.00 and reservations can be made by calling the church office or signing up in the front hall. Reservations must be made by Monday, March 17. As always you are welcome to bring your own meal or just come for the program.
The N&F ministry is a part of the Community Life Outreach Committee. Our primary purpose is to provide social opportunities for fellowship that encourage and promote Christ centered interactions. The Fall and Winter schedule is coming together, and wonderful programs are being planned. Come and be a part of this growing and exciting ministry and do remember to bring a neighbor or friend!