Put some Sunshine in your day and come to Friendship Club on Friday, October 4. Our own Sevilla Morse, and her therapy dog Sunshine, will be our guests. They will tell us all about the therapy dog programs and where they visit to bring furry love and joy to folks. Our meetings begin at 11:30 AM with some fellowship time and announcements. Lunch will be a scrumptious chicken dish with all the trimmings. You must make a reservation for lunch (407-647-1467) by noon Wednesday, October 2. If you need transportation from Westminster Winter Park or The Mayflower, let the office know when you make your reservation. The cost for lunch is $5. Guests are always welcome. The programs begin about 12:15 PM. If you wish to attend just the program, without eating, you don’t need to make a reservation. The product for the month is Pasta.