Winter Park Presbyterian Church has a rich history of Presbyterian Women’s Circles. WPPC’s circles nurture each member’s faith through prayer and Bible study, support the mission of the church locally and worldwide, and promote a warm and caring community of women that strengthens each individual as well as the church as a whole.
We encourage women who are new members of the church to look into these circles, as they are a great way to form new and lasting friendships within the church. Each circle usually begins with a time of Bible study and prayer, followed by a time of fellowship. These circles have been a part of WPPC for a long time and have loyal members, but they are always welcoming new members.
The circles usually have a study book to go with the lesson, but purchasing one is not a requirement to membership. Discussions are encouraged and enjoyed by circle members and they often pray for members of the congregation and their families. The circles sometimes have special times for celebrating Christmas and other occasions. Occasionally the circles will do service projects to benefit the community.
Being a member of a Circle is a wonderful way to be connected to the church and experience the warm fellowship and support of other dedicated Christian women. Check the church calendar for meeting times. Contact the church office to get more information or to reach the coordinators of each circle.